Thursday, June 21, 2007

June's Travels

This month has been all about traveling. I feel like I've been gone more than I've been home. I guess I shouldn't complain too much though, as I've been to Sanibel Island, Florida and Hilton Head, SC. Nice places. The problem is the fact that I've been to both places for work, not pleasure. The good news is that my family got to travel with me both times. It's nice having them with me. I don't tell them this enough, but it does keep the road from being a lonely place. Eating meals alone is one of the worst parts of travel. I'll take the hectic airports, the frantic connections, or the 'theme-park' cab rides just don't make me sit alone at a table for dinner. As Americans, we eat too fast anyway and when you're dining alone, the pace only quickens.

I'm coming home Sunday and should be in town for most of July until we head to Europe for our summer vacation. My goal is to ride every day before we leave and really put my body through some tough workouts. I figure I'll have enough recovery time while I'm gone and besides, I'll need to lose 10 pounds to help with the vacation diet. I look forward to some tough workouts with the Pfoodman/Wapiti team and pushing the paces on some of the rides.

For this budding mountain bike racer, I've set a goal for myself of finishing the last 3 races of the year in the top 5. I really want to be forced to 'cat up' and be racing (and getting thrashed) in the sport class next year. Heck, I may even dive straight into the endurance class and really get my arse handed to me. Pfoodman tells me that's the only way to go and his advice has been pretty sage thus far. I'm also mulling over jumping into the world of cyclocross in the fall. I'll need a bike, but I definitely have the desire to push myself. I've been told it's the most painful form of racing. Sounds interesting???

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