Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I gotta weak back about a week back

Last year, my sewer lateral failed which required the plumbers hired by St. Louis Co. to come in and dig up my front yard. Which also meant they had to destroy our new Tennessee Limestone retaining walls. In all fairness, they didn't destroy the wall, but rather moved all of the stones out of the way before the digging process began. They then proceeded to dig a hole 12-13 feet deep and 8 feet across. I estimated we could have buried my wife's Dodge minivan in the hole and at times wished I would have. The Metropolitan Sewer District and St. Louis County was fantastic to work with and some of the most responsive and caring individuals I've ever encountered in my life of dealing with government. Whatever we pay each year in county taxes for sewer lateral replacements is worth every penny. I just hope you never have to put yourself through the process.

Fast forward a year, I finally got around to rebuilding the wall. I dragged my feet for several reasons. First, I wanted the dirt to really settle back in before rebuilding the wall. Secondly, I really had no experience building a retaining wall. Finally, I wasn't looking forward to lifting those stones. Just to give you an idea, some of the stones in the picture are 12" x 5" x 24" of solid stone. I'd estimate the weigh north of 100# each. There are alot of stones to carry and place.

I've had a bad back throughout the years and really knew this could end up aggrevating my back. I was right. As I finished last Saturday night, I was absolutely beat up. My thighs hurt, my back hurt, and my arms hurt. It made my body feel like I had been beaten with a sack of nickels. After getting back in town from travels, I went out for my first ride tonight. I felt good on the rollers, but the hill climbing killed by back. I think I'm heading into the chiropractor tomorrow. My neck has been bothering me since my 200km brevet on 4/7, and I need an overall adjustment. Actually, a deep tissue massage would be nice too.

Please don't think I'm some kind of pansy here, but let's face it. Outside of working out on my bowflex or riding my mountain bike, I really don't punish my body that much. Maybe I should. I have a cushy desk job and need to experience pain more frequently. My company (Edward Jones) shot a commercial a few years ago which showed a doctor talking a patient through his own surgery. In one line, the patient asks the doctor, "won't that hurt?" to which the doc replies, "pain is just weakness leaving the body." Maybe the pain I'm feeling is a good thing? Who knows?

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