Monday, January 28, 2008

But seriously, I'm fine

Yes, I've been a little under the weather. We're now drawing to a day 8 of my annual chest cold to a close. I know the drill. Hacking and coughing in the morning with a repeat performance at bedtime for the nocturnal crowd. As I often do during times of sickness and recovery, I have relegated myself to our finished basement so as not to wake the entire house. I don't know if it helps the family, but no one else has taken ill and they haven't failed to put a place setting out for my dinner. I guess I'm still part of the family.

My wife snapped this picture of me during one of my recovery sessions the other day. I think I look a little younger, she seems to think I've lost a little weight. Yes, I have lost weight. Now, I know I'm no poster boy for the model set, but I have had a couple of people tell me over the past couple of weeks that I was looking too thin. In fact one person thought I was sick. Now, what does that say about our American-ized mental state when folks think I look too thin???

Before you read any further, I WARNED YOU!!!

Speaking of thin, posted up quite a pic on his blog this past weekend. Dear heavens man, you gotta give fair warning before doing that. The movie, Scared Straight comes to mind.

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