Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Sleep is overrated!

I'm back into one of my sleeping funks. I've never been a good sleeper, though. I guess I feel there are too many other things I'd rather do than sleep. Live life would be one of them. However, at 2 or 3 in the morning how much life is there to live? I think my body is getting back at me for forcing it to sleep so much while we were in NY on vacation. One of the only places I can ever sleep late is in a hotel room. Something about those room darkening curtains and the cavelike atmosphere. Am I really more of a neanderthal than I suspected? Perhaps.

Well, I've channel surfed my 800 channels of cable and can't find anything to watch. Maybe my sleep problems aren't rooted in a desire to live life. Maybe, just maybe, the culprit is a little mean streak of ADD that rears its head from time to time.

I do know that I've done just about everything there is to do with little or no sleep. I know that I've never called in sick because I missed out on a little REM. Give me a couple hours of sleep, some caffeine, and I'm rejuvenated and ready to tackle the world. It's worked for the better part of 40+ years, why try to figure it out now?

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