Monday, August 25, 2008

Dr. Strangecross (How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the 'Cross)

Mud, slop, ruts, roots, run-ups, barriers, sand pits, and stairs. Sun, rain, wind, snow, and ice. Gin, trombones, beer, frites, and cowbells. Those words conjure up wild images of pay-per-view excitement more akin to the likes of this Japanese Game Show than the real, fall/winter season Belgian-based spectacle that is Cyclocross.

Why did I choose cyclocross? Heck, like almost everything I've ever done competitively on a bike it's because of Pfoodman. Nah, he just mentioned it to me (over and over and over). More likely is the fact that I've always loved the fringe sports. No, I'm not talking trampoline, rhythmic gymnastics, or dressage. I'm talking real sports where skills are involved and subjectivity are eliminated. Sports were healthy doses of intestinal fortitude, addictions to pain, and embarrassment are very real possibilities. Cyclocross is one of those sports where you feel like the guys in the video. Their options for success look slim, but doggone they put forth the effort and they don't care if they survive or not. Participation isn't an option, but a calling or a duty. A duty to push your body and mind in a manner few others would dare. In the end, others may shake their head in wonder and ask, "what's the point?" Fellow crossers only you and I will know the real answer.

So, what's left to worry about. We'll never have any barriers in our Bubba Cross series that remotely resemble the ones in the game show. But then again wouldn't it be great if we did???


Justin P said...

Where so you find these shows?

The ralph account said...

Don't you also like pick up sticks?