Monday, August 04, 2008


I've dabbled with commuting to work by bike a few times. I enjoy it, but I also work in a suit and tie environment and our work facilities aren't equipped with showers and changing rooms. For the times I've ridden to work, my bike comes into my office (cubicle) and remains propped against the wall like a piece of art and a source of questions for all who enter. "What's that?" being one of my favorites.

While traveling with the family in Munich this summer, we noticed more bikers than motorists. Everyone, I mean everyone, rides a bicycle in Munich. Grandmothers in housecoats, businessmen in suits, children, families, dogs. Yep, we even saw dogs sitting prouding in the baskets while their owners pedaled merrily on their way. I'm thinking to myself why can't I do that? Why do I let some of the work inconveniences rule my life. No more.

I'm building up a full-time dedicated commuting machine. Complete with fenders, baskets, lights, funny handlebars, and one gear. A utilitarian machine. Something the likes of Ultra Scott's current machine. Laugh if that sort of thing is not your bag or if it looks too old-school but remember two things. My legs are getting stronger and I'm not the one burning $4 fuel.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get my commuting program going as well. Rode in today. Should be a nice ride home.

Shooting for a couple of days a week.


Anonymous said...

i brought in a full size towel, deoderant, and a fresh shirt today.(not my regular job but thats another story). How do you do the suit and tie thing on days like this?


Boz said...

Rudy, I take my clothes for the week to work on Sunday and then ride the bike during the week. I shower at home in the morning before leaving, ride easy, and then towel off when I get to work. When I leave early in the morning it works fine.

TeamSeagal said...

Kick ass. Glad to hear the commuting bug is spreading. It works better than any cup of coffee at waking you up in the morning, and is an easy way to sneak in extra miles by taking the long way home...

Doin' Rapture?

-C. Ryback