Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Biking & Life... I need some change!

The 400km brevet was this past Saturday. I decided against the 400km, as well as the upcoming 600km, due to my renewed interest in mountain biking. Honestly, I was getting tired of the really long-distance rides (eventhough I thought I could tackle the entire brevet series this year.) Most importantly, I simply didn't like how I felt on my road bikes which were ill-suited for those distances. I've got a new Gunnar Sport coming in which will be my new long-distance bike, but until it arrives and is built up, I'm sticking to rides of 100 miles or less.

I did ride 55 miles this past Saturday and rode at an average just under 19mph. That included some serious hills (which I actually climbed respectably) and several sprint intervals. Overall, I felt very good on the ride and will now start to shift my focus towards some hard 90 minute sessions on the mountain bike in preparation for the Matson Trail race on 6/2.

I'm digging the new focus on mountain biking. As I have said before, I don't know why I don't do more offroad. I love the challenge which comes in the climbs, as well as the focus on the downhills. After talking with Pfoodman a little more over the weekend, I've even more stoked at the challenges ahead of me. (Thanks for the advice, Ralph. I'm sure I'll be drawing on your experiences more and more.)

Work has been busy and it's about to get much busier. I've got a lot of traveling coming up in June and then a little time before we head over to Europe with the family. I'm hoping all of the activities at work are leading to some positive changes. Who knows, though. The best I can do is give it 100% and pray.

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