Thursday, May 03, 2007

Carb loading time

It's two days before my 300km brevet ride and that means one thing, CARBO LOADING! The recovering 'fat guy' gets to eat some carb heavy foods and not feel guilty.

Food is an amazing thing. Unfortunately, as humans, I think we associate ourselves with the pleasure aspects of food more it than we recognize the fueling/life sustaining value it brings. Does that mean we're a country of pleasure seeking humans? I don't know. I do know that once I began to see food as a way to help my body versus feed my psyche, I completely changed what I shoved into my mouth. I still have days were I pig out, but let me say I'm much more conscientious about it. However, for the next three days (I also get to eat whatever I want when I'm riding 187 miles) I will look a lot like the guy in this photo. Buon appetito!

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