Saturday, August 23, 2008

Say What???

I don't know what the heck they're saying, but I'm certain is something along the lines of "Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark!"

Not much going on this weekend. More riding and this morning was 60 miles including the Big Shark team ride. Rolled with Theo down to BS and then met up with Damien and the rest of the gang for an easy paced ride. I guess that was good enough for me because I really never felt good the entire morning. I never felt like my lungs opened up and was working harder than normal when the pace quickened or the road tilted upward.

Right now, it's time to take the kids to Carl's for cheeseburgers and root beers. Seeing that I rode 60 miles this morning, I think I'll have the same.


Casey Ryback said...

I totally passed you on Clayton the other day, as you were driving away from Weidmann. I recognize that goatee anywhere!

Living a Lie said...

That trip over the bars on the short uphill looked brutal.

Anonymous said...

Trip wire - brilliant!


Jim said...

Ah yes! The '07 World Championship. An awesome race to watch in its entirety.

There were several people who crashed on that short uphill and they all looked about the same as they launched over that handlebars.