Friday, May 30, 2008

The Stage is Set, The Band Starts Playing

Tomorrow is my second road race of the year, the inaugural O'Fallon Grand Prix. My first road race, Froze Toes back in February, will seem like a ride around the neighborhood compared to this race. The course involves a great deal of corners (18-20 or so), narrow backcountry roads, and a few short, but strategic climbs. The chatter on the local boards hasn't been too excessive, so I don't know if others don't know what to expect, they don't care (just show up and race), or they're skipping the race altogether.

As prep, I put in a few hours this week of spinning to open up the legs. A few hard sprints and hill attacks here and there, but nothing too sustained. This morning was an hour on a small loop down Clayton road to Spoede and back along Conway to Mason. Nothing major but enough to get a little oxygen into the lungs and some tightness out of the legs. Saw several riders out this morning including local mtb star, Drew Black, replete in his Mesa digs. Drew's off to a great season on the mtb and as soon as he's wrapped up the Sport series title, will be thrashing riders in the Expert class.

Our team seems to be ready and I look forward to riding with them tomorrow. We've got a great group of racers and I'm honored to get to put a wheel on the line with them. Tomorrow's bible verse to be placed on the bike will be from Psalm 7:1, "O Lord my God, in you I have taken refuge; Save me from all those who pursue me, and deliver me." Let's have a great race!

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