Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'll Give You a Run-Up


Saturday morning I held another cross practice in Queeny Park. The early course didn't feature a run-up, so I tossed in a little "heinous epinicity" (local phrase) for the boys. Suffice it to say it had them squealing like piglets. Perhaps, I led the squealin'. The run-up was from near the entrance of the park to the upper road. Approximately 120 steps to the top. HRM blowout to say the least, but look at it this way, the 61 steps at
Hermann will be next to nothing.

Drew showed again, as did Curt, and Dennis. We ran several laps and tossed in some of the gravel roads to work the lactic out of the legs. Great ride overall and spent roughly 2 hours working on our mad skillz.

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