Wednesday, September 05, 2007


and I need a rest from the bike. I've been riding a lot in prep for the Greensfelder race and stuff at work is coming to a boil. I do know that I'm taking at least a week off of the bike after Saturday's race. My legs bruised and beaten and my body needs some recovery time. When I took my two weeks off at the beginning of August (for the Europe trip) I thought I'd really get some rest for my body. Truth is we walked a great deal everyday in Europe, so much so, I actually lost weight on the trip. Lately I feel like my time on the bike has been mandatory in order to prepare for races. I don't like that and therefore, I'm taking a break. Later.


jwottowa said...

I'm Tired? Ask and you shall recieve...

by the very titel of your blog aren't the choices a)pedal or B) die? If you take a week off, you won't be pedaling so......

Can I have the rims on your road bike?

Boz said...

you can't handle the bling!