Monday, September 10, 2007

A wise man once said

"by the very title of your blog aren't the choices a)pedal or B) die? If you take a week off, you won't be pedaling so......"

Yesterday was to be the first day of my self-imposed week off of the bikes. That was the plan following Saturday's race. However, Saturday's race never happened. Rain out. No problems, except mentally I'm not ready for the lay-off. I still feel like I need to keep the pan on the burner and begin prepping for the next race. There's still gas in the tank.

However, my work week is going to be busy as ever and I've got to head out of town on Thursday. Therefore, I am going to force myself off of the bikes until Saturday. Over the upcoming week, I'll try to decide what I'm going to do when I get back on the bike. Finish up the season in the Beginner class or step off into the world of Sport or Endurance class races? Toss a 'cross season into the year-end? I'll give it all some thought.

I won't be pedalling this week, which I guess means, I'll slowly be dying. While that doesn't feel good, it's life.

Oh by the way, wise man, you cannot have my Chris King road wheels.

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