Wednesday, November 14, 2007

3 weeks later.....I'm Tommy Boy!

(That's me on the right)

Come this Saturday's Aggro Trifecta, I will have been off the bike for 3 weeks. My last serious pedal stroke was at the Spanish Lake cross race. Based on my results in that race (20th) you could argue I didn't have a serious pedal stroke that day either. I was planning to race the entire cross series this season. Truth was, following the mtb races this year, I needed some rest. I took it...and I got fat.

Over the past 3 weeks, I've been out of town with my family, out of town for business, and crammed a few birthday celebrations in. During all of those activities, I paid absolutely no attention to what I was eating, when I was eating, or how much I was eating. If you knew the old Boz, you understand that's a recipe for disaster.

Suffice it to say, I'm ready to start my new training program and work off the pounds. As I type this out, Tommy Boy is playing on the TV and I'm wondering just how close I look??? Now the scene with the deer in the back of the car is playing and I'm wondering if that looks similar to the Faust Park C race scene with Rich Pierce, but I'm digressing. (Hope you're okay Rich!)

I'm fat, out of shape, and ready to roll for Saturday. Wait, I'm heading to NYC in the morning and that means two more days of business meetings, eating out, and not exercising. What's another few pounds?? Well, let's look at it this way. If it's cold Saturday morning, everyone will be able to sing:

"Fat guy in a little coat. Fat guy in a little coat."

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