Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Intervals & Donuts

Intervals. Is there a cyclist out there who looks forward to interval workout day? I don't. Must be the fight or flight response internally wired into our bodies. I can always hear the little voice from the dark recesses of my brain having an argument with my muscles.

Brain: "You are going to do these because they make us faster."
Muscles: "If you like pain so much, why don't you commit yourself."
Brain: "I am commited."
Muscles: "No, you're not. You don't understand commitment. You're like the chicken, not the pig, when it comes to breakfast. You see, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed!"
(Why do I hear the voices of Cartman and Kyle from South Park reading those lines??? Man, I'm glad today is a rest day!)

Last night was 'cruise interval' night. 90mins on the trainer with 4 x 6min intervals done between heart rate zone 4-5a with 2 minute recoveries. During each 6 minute interval, alternate 60 secs in a hard gear and 60 seconds in a 'normal' gear while maintaining a constant cadence. I had a good workout. My legs really opened up as the intervals went on and I actually contemplated adding on another interval. Shut up, stupid brain.

As I cooled down, I started a DVD I had loaded in before my workout, "Tour de Donut: Gluttons for Punishment."
A documentary by Steve Kelly & Jim Klenn of Tim Ranek and crew's attempt to win Staunton's farcical adaptation of the Tour de France. What a trip! I was laughing out loud at several elements of the event. I've seen the movie before, but it has been a year or so. I think the most outrageously funny part of the movie is the scene of Tim getting ready to blow chunks with a donut still firmly held in one of his hands.

Ride (and eat) until you puke...well, 50% of that statement could be similar to interval training.

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