Sunday, February 17, 2008

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme change

Another week of training, working, and family life. What's to say? My work life is good, my family is healthy, and training was light this week. With the exception of Thursday's rest day, I trained everyday albeit they were easy days. However, the easy workouts are coming to a close. Beginning with yesterday's workout which included a 30 min time trial, I'm beginning a period of a higher volume/intensity training marked with my first road race on Sunday, February 24th and my first sport class mountain bike race the following weekend.

While I'm certainly looking forward to the races, I've got to say I'm a little disappointed by my TT results yesterday. I went out with the mental image of riding like Mr. Cancellara
but ended up riding more like this chap
I had hoped for a faster average speed, but it just didn't happen. I'm not going to share my speed with you, but let's just say you wouldn't be too impressed. I'm not really looking for excuses, but rather trying to understand what happened. Was it the wind? The cold weather? The multiple layers of clothing? Not enought rest? Didn't eat right? Drink properly? Go out too hard? Not hard enough?

I'll talk with Andy and evaluate where I'm at. I guess I'm not trying to be fast right now, so I'll take what comes. One a side note, one positive out of yesterday is that the new Giant TCR Composite road bike felt awesome. I've made a few tweaks to the set-up and I think I've got it dialed in just right. The bike is light (16.85 pounds), stiff, but comfortable and compliant. So Lance, perhaps you're right, "It's not about the bike!"


Pedaldork said...


Hang in there. keep kicking butt. When does your season actually start??
You may have already been to this site but this guy is in need of some major prayer right now

Take care


Boz said...

Season starts this Sunday, 2/24. Actually, I compared my TT times against 3 months ago and I'm 1 mph faster, so all is not lost.

Anonymous said...

nothing is "lost" you Mary.

periodization. period. nothing counts till the peak. do the workouts and trust the training.

Dont make the mistake of going light to try and bring results for C events. use them only for training knowing that it will pay off huge later.

you owe me a dollar and a wheel to suck on sunday.
