Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Can Only Imagine

I've written before how I am putting a Bible verse on my bike during races as my way of glorifying and thanking God for the gifts and talents he has blessed me with. In my last race, I didn't put a verse on my bike. Instead, I carried the funeral program for Hank Murphy, the brother of a friend of ours, in my back jersey pocket. On the bottom of the program was a simple quote from Hank, "I am blessed, and highly favored."

Hank passed away on April 3rd after a lingering battle with cancer. I only had the pleasure of meeting Hank a couple of times. Our family is very good friends with his brother's family we've come to learn Hank was a very strong Christian man, as well as a loving husband and father. At Hank's service, his pastor (from the Dallas area) spoke of Hank's servanthood to God and his many blessings in the lives of others. Later, in the service, they showed a photo/video montage of Hank's life while the song, "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe played in the background. As I watched and cried, I decided I would race in honor of Hank and thank God for the blessing he gave us in Hank.

While it would have been glorious (and very Hollywood-ish) to come across the line way ahead of the pack and hold the program high and praise God and Hank, but it didn't work out that way. My result in the race wasn't an important outcome this time. Seeing the lasting works of Hank and the lives he touched was. I felt humbled. Hank knew even in his darkest moments God would bless him and shine His glorious light on him. Hank was a beacon for Christ to all of us who knew him.

I know Hank is blessed, and highly favored and that's the greatest victory of all.


Pedaldork said...

Boz, First of all I love the song and second, I've got to meet you someday. You are one awesome guy who really has his priorities straight. God Bless

Boz said...

Thanks for the kind words, but I'm a sinner, too. I thank God for his grace and mercy when I fail, because it seems endless.